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Reflection #14

  How has your understanding of mass and school shootings changed over the course of this semester? In this class my understanding of mass shootings has changed greatly. Coming into this class I had a lot of misconceptions about mass shootings and how they happened. Before this class I didn't really know much about Columbine except for the fact that it was a school shooting. I got to know the victims and all of the backstory behind the shooting. I was able to see other peoples views on mass shootings from the blog post of my peers. While watching the videos for the Watch & Reflect I was able to get different views and able to see how things are changing in regards to mass shootings. In this course I was able to see many things and voice my opinions on how I felt regarding mass shootings. This class has taught me a lot and I am really grateful for it because I can now tell other people things and get them informed on the issues pertaining to mass shootings and I can talk about p

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