Reflection #10



  • Of the different survivors' stories covered in your Chapter 9 reading, whose stood out the most to you and why?
      • The survivor story that stood out the most to me was the story from Monica's. Her story showed how the shooters look from the view of the survivor. The fact that the shooter said "On your marks, get set, go"really made me think of how much of a game that thought it was. The fact that she didn't get hit with a bullet but got hit with shrapnel was also crazy to me as I did not expect her to know to zig zag while running from the shooter. 
  • As a society, how do you think that we can better support survivors of mass shootings?
      • I think that is survivors were given some sort of therapy after the incident or they are able to talk about their feelings with someone. I think that we can better support them by changing the laws around gun control because with those laws we could ensure them that what happened to them would be less likely to happen to others. I think if we also gave them more options to talk about the things they went through on media like they give coverage to the shooters. If they gave the victims more chances to talk I think some people would realize how damaging the gun laws are. 


  1. Hi Jasmine,
    I also thought that Monica's story stood out the most to me. Reading that one of the shooters said "on your marks, get set, go" was very spine chilling. I agree with your statement about how much of a game he thought it was, but also the fact that she knew him and was friends with him. I can't even imagine how she must have felt looking at someone she considered a friend and then seconds later that person is shooting at her while she is running for her life. You make a great point at mentioning that in order to better support survivors there needs to be changes in gun control laws. I mentioned in my post that there needs to be a change when it comes to media contacting and covering the story as well. The media should not have the amount of access to houses and survivors that they did when Columbine happened.

  2. Hi Jasmine,
    This was a nicely written post, good job. I also had picked Monica's story to write about in my blog. It must have been so hard for her to process what had happened to her, especially because it was done by someone she had considered a friend. It was very good thinking of her to run in a zig zag pattern, especially because it was uncommon for school shooter trainings were not common in schools at this time. I also agree that survivors of mass shootings should seek some sort of therapy during their coping process. This can help them fully process what they are feeling and work towards moving forward in their lives.

  3. Hello Jasmine, great post! Monica was one of the most surprising survivor stories for me as well. I feel as though Monica's story stood out to so many students because of how truly terrifying and disturbing her encounter with Shooter H was. It is surprising to hear someone speak with no remorse, especially to someone they may have even considered a friend once. And, after living through one of the scariest experiences for a human, Monica was not met with sympathy and understanding. Instead, she received torment for her previous friendships with the Columbine shooters. I agree with your proposition on how we can help those who survived a mass shooting. Gun control should really no longer be a debate. It is a necessity for the prevention of any future mass shootings.

  4. I think one of the most interesting parts of the human brain all the instinctual information from the thousands of years of evolution. It's crazy all the stuff that's just hardwired deep in our brains. The fact that she knew to zig zag wouldn't have even been a deliberate decision she will have made. Humans haven't lasted this long because we're stupid, the ones that couldn't figure out how to evade predators became a Smilodon's dinner. Human's are clever, never doubt your gut in split second decisions. Good post


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