Reflection Blog #1


             In this post today I will be answering questions that deal with my opinions on mass shootings America. 

  •    Mass shootings in the US have become a very big problem in the recent years with situations such as; Parkland or Sandy Hook. I'm not as aware of mass shootings that happen outside of the US but I am aware of the fact that they happen less due to the fact that they have stricter gun laws in other countries. Mass shootings obviously are not exclusive to the US but due to the US getting more coverage on things such as mass shootings some people may believe that mass shootings are isolated to the United States. 
  • The things that have shaped my opinion about mass shootings are mainly the news and I also attended the March for our Lives due to me being from DC and it really helped expose me to the way that mass shootings can affect people with the events like the Parkland shooting survivors being my age and very vocal about they way that gun laws need to change. 
  • The public is fascinated with mass shooting mainly because we wonder how someone can decide to one day want to take people's lives and even when we find out why they may have done it we still can't understand how. The fascination also stems from fear because you never now what people are thinking or what they are hiding and how they may react to certain things. 


  1. I have always wanted to go to a Black lives matter protest but I am scared of what could happen to me. I am a young black woman living in a society where it does not matter how good a person is or how they have contributed to their communities, there are those individuals who are filled with so much hatred. Mass shootings are becoming more common particularly in the United States because although we have strict gun laws, it is gun ownership that deters crimes, not the laws. It is easy to purchase a firearm in today’s generation because people do not care about society’s rules, they are only concerned about their safety. Just think about how much individuals possess an illegal firearm.

  2. Hello!

    I think it is very cool that you were able to attend March for our lives. I think that its great that you got to attend this and should really make a push for more people to attend, I feel many people just ignore movements like these and think that if they go it may not make a difference but in reality, it could!
    As for your third bullet, I definitely agree with your opinion. I feel that I have been to multiple public gatherings with the fear that you mentioned in the back of my mind. The reason being is because there are people out there that just don’t care about anything really and are willing to put people’s lives in danger.

  3. Hi Jasmine-
    I agree that some other countries tend to have stricter gun laws than the United States. These days it is relatively easy for an individual to get access to a gun whether it from robbery, taking it from their parents, trading drugs for a gun, or even possibly providing fake information in order to get access to a gun. A more regulated gun control system should be looked into. The public's fascination with mass shootings could very well be out of fear or even wanting to know why a mass shooting took place and how it could've happened.

  4. You raise a great point about why shootings do not happen at the same frequency as other country. Legislation (including that which is enforced) is a big part of it, as is firearm availability. Another challenge, however, is that mass shootings are called different things in different countries that makes them more difficult to track and compare. In Africa, they often are labeled as genocides. In Europe, terrorism. So like we discussed this week with definitions, the labels also are problematic for really understanding the magnitude of the issue worldwide.


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